Who are 
Berlin Aquaholics

We are an amateur water polo team in Berlin and the only LGBT+ water polo team in Germany. Berlin Aquaholics was established in 2017 and functions under the umbrella of Vorspiel SSL - Berlin's largest queer sports organization.

Team Credo

Our team credo is what brings us together and is what we expect all members to adhere to.


We train water polo and swimming several times a week in several locations in Berlin. Check out the schedule.

Join Us

You are a water polo player looking for a team? Or a swimmer who wants to try water polo?

More about us

We are made up of a wide mix of beginners and seasoned water polo sportsmen and women - gay, straight, and everything in between - sharing a passion for water polo, a commitment to self improvement, and an eagerness to take our team forward. We are currently playing in the Berliner Meisterschaft and participate in several LGBT tournaments, in Europe and overseas, throughout the year.
While we take training seriously, we are also a fun and friendly bunch of people. We value openness, inclusiveness, and camaraderie, and we spend time together also outside of the pool.


Berlin Aquaholics is an LGBT+ focused team

We strive to provide the LGBT+ community of Berlin with a safe environment to play water polo. We welcome individuals with different identities and backgrounds and everyone is a valued member of the group, trusted and relied upon to contribute to the team. We reject the bullying and machismo common in the world of heterosexual male-dominated sports.

Berlin Aquaholics is serious fun

We are all part of the team because we enjoy and want to be better at playing water polo, we value the team camaraderie, we want to have fun together, in and out of the water. We are committed to showing up to training and games consistently, communicating our attendance, and helping with team management tasks.

Berlin Aquaholics want to learn and improve

We want to improve our skills and our game. We come to trainings. We pay attention to and respect the team coach and trainers during training. We coach and help each other and we are eager to receive and consider ideas and coaching from the team coach and our team mates.

Berlin Aquaholics like competitions

We are “the” LGBT+ water polo team of Berlin and will represent Vorspiel and Berlin in LGBT+ championships. We participate Berliner Meisterschaft in order to improve our game and get better. We cheer at all times and WE HAVE GREAT FUN!


The locations and times are only for informational purposes.

If you are interested in joining a practice, please first read the Join us section and contact us in case you meet the requirements.

Monday - Water polo training

For "recreational level"players only. Only half pool available. The training starts with a 20 minutes land training for which socks, t-shirt and sweat towel are required

Schwimmhalle Finckensteinallee (FIN)
Finckensteinallee 73, 12205 Berlin
Meeting at 19:30
Training 19:45 - 21.30

Tuesday - Swimming training

"Swimming for water polo" training

Stadtbad Tiergarten (SEY)
Seydlitzstraße 7, Berlin - Mitte
Meeting at 18:40
Training 19:00 - 20.15

Wednesday - Scrimmage

Water polo scrimmage. The training is open to all players.

Schwimm- und Sprunghalle im Europasportpark (SSE)
Paul-Heyse-Straße 26, 10407 Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg
Meeting at 19:30
Training 19:45 - 21.30

Friday - Water polo training

Training collaboration with S.C. Wedding. Open to all players.

Kombibad Seestraße Halle (SEE)
Seestraße 80, 13347 Berlin - Wedding
Meeting at 19:30
Training 19:45 - 21.30

You already played water polo?

 If you already have waterpolo experience and you are looking for team, you're welcome to give us a try! Since you have been playing and training before, you are welcome to join any of the regular trainings. Even if you had a long(er) break, do not hesitate, your experience will show and the stamina you'll get back in no time.

Are you new to  water polo?

If you have very little or no previous water polo experience, you are welcome to check out if water polo is for you. For the newcomers to the sport we offer once a year, in September/October the possibility to try out water polo. If you have no water polo experience, there are a couple of prerequisites.
Namely, you are expected to:
  •  have good technique in front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke
  •  be in good swimming shape (you train regularly with swim programs of 2000 m minimum, and you can swim 200 meters front crawl without break)
If your swimming skills are not at this level, no worries! You can boost your stamina and improve swimming skills by joining the swimming training in Vorspiel.Follow this link   for more information about swimming department in Vorspiel.
If you're confident about your swimming skills and you are interested to join the next "Water Polo 101" program, fill in the contact form below and let us know!

For full transparency, the Water Polo 101 program will probably not take place in 2024 due to pool availability and coaching constraints. As soon as we have more information, we will be contacting all interested participants.

Get in Touch

Please use the contact form to write us or write us directly at
If you are writing us about trying out water polo or thinking of joining the team, please:
  • make sure you read the Team credo and are ready to adhere to it,
  • describe yourself in a bit in your message and your tell us about your experience and skills level in water polo and/or swimming

Berlin Aquaholics is part of

Vorspiel - Queerer Sportverein Berlin e. V

Vorspiel - Queerer Sportverein Berlin e. V. ist…

  • … ein Sportverein für alle: egal ob homo-, hetero-, bi-, trans* oder intergeschlechtlich.
  • … ein Mehrspartensportverein mit über 30 Sportarten.
  • … Treffpunkt, Freizeitheim, Glückstankstelle, Partnervermittlung, Familie und ein Stück Zuhause.
  • … seit 1986 Teil der Berliner Sportlandschaft.
  • … Freizeit-, Leistungs-, Breiten- und Gesundheitssport.